guy howard

Life-essayist - sitting in California; writing Fact and Fiction, exploring language and  my view from Life's bridge. This  will be about PAINFUL and funny lessons and I will not be shy expressing my thoughts on the world i see.  

Where Hope Is Found - A Corona Poem

Where do we find hope

How do we find faith

When do we get a glance at

tomorrow, without vectoring


I stroll the trails behind my home

Paths of small wonders

Ducks and geese making nests

Paddling the remaining water

Sitting on clumps of earth 

waiting for the world to dry up


Purposefully set in surprising places

are tiny gifts to bring a taste back to life

Small bits of granite and quartz

Tiny rounds of stone without category

Painted to catch the eye


They appear suddenly

on a bench seat

on a fence post

beside a sign telling us 

to maintain our distance


They are brightly colored or

somber hued like flowers 

still awaiting spring’s birth

They hold sharp lines of lightening

curves of mandalas 

Some with a line or two of hope

in tiny cursive paint


There aren’t many

They are spaced like drops of glitter

in random spots 

at bridge’s end

or by a power box


They convey hope and despair

at once

They marvel the eye but remain

distant from touch

They are the perfect size

for a hand palm or

to be held with two fingers to

examine in the light.



Are they decorated on the back

as well as front

In Corona Caution we will never know


A day later some are gone

Shifted to a new place

Pocketed or tossed aside

The hope they shared

replaced by vacancy


Heart stones of faith

like those we carry inside

Our decorated beats inscribed with lines of hope

Waiting for someone to spot and hold them

Praying not to be chucked into the woods

never to be seen again.

My Fountain Pen - A Corona Poem

Losing Smiles - A Corona Poem