guy howard

Life-essayist - sitting in California; writing Fact and Fiction, exploring language and  my view from Life's bridge. This  will be about PAINFUL and funny lessons and I will not be shy expressing my thoughts on the world i see.  

My throat is filled with the silt of it - A Corona Poem

(prompted from Ellen Bass’ The Thing Is)

 I have nothing

I have nothing that alters my brain, which like the scarecrow is filled with straw

Like the tin man searches for the pulse of a watch

Like the lion awaits a moment of courage


I have nothing

I have nothing that compels me to move forward 

In a time of cloistered closure

Wanting the tastes and smells of life

When the only scent is the lack of a recent shower

And dirty laundry


I have nothing

I have nothing that moves me to emotions

Proportionate with the vacancy 

Of touch and tactile moments of connection

Without fear or cloth between our faces

Our arms in no embrace


I have nothing

I have nothing that wakes me in the morning 

To the joy of the day

The lush of sun and sweat

The roil of rain

The savor of breath shared in a kiss


I have nothing

I have nothing that drapes like a good suit

Or a diaphanous gown

That speaks of elegance and brightness

Instead or pallid skin from lack of life


I have nothing

I have nothing that moves me to dance

Flushes words from my heart and mind

To flood the taint that pulls the day away

To purge the sorrow from my pulse

And open my eyes to fresher faire

My throat is filled with the silt of it all


I have nothing

I have nothing but the shape of you lying next to me

Breathing in and out 

Reminding me I am still alive for another day


I have nothing

I have nothing but the sound of my child

Laughing with a friend 

To tell me connection at arm’s length

Is just the start and there is hope


I have nothing

I have nothing but the pictures of friends 

Kept at zooming bay but attached by passion

To remind me connection is a reflection 

Of both time and tempo

And tiny postage stamp smiles are more alive

Than none at all and the timber of their voices

Can bring light to the shade of my room

The shadow in my heart


I have nothing

I have nothing that speaks to living forward

But the pulse of each of you and the drift of a Bach cello in my ears

Thanks for that.

Love the stranger that was your self - A Corona Reflection

Open the World with a Corkscrew - A Corona Reflection