Light trickles in the lowest part
Of our second-floor bedroom window, grey
Giving way to warmth, ever so slowly.
I can hear the rumble, tumble of engines
In driveways revving
To start the day’s events
As light takes some of the shiver away from
letting the dog out, standing in sweatshirt and shorts
And sun just lighting my flip-flop cold bare feet.
He lifts his feet like a prancing
Lipizzaner not liking the dew and cold of the grass
As he makes his way to places he must go
Jumping and dashing back to house warmth
And breakfast as light starts tasting the
Upper leaves of the trees
Coffee, freshly roasted and ground
Sits in a cone shaped Chemex waiting
For the roil of boil and pour over
Then smell the fresh brewed
wafting through the house declaring the start of day
As gold light dribbles in the slider windows
and dances on the floor
The dog finishing his feeding frenzy,
Bounds up the stairs, landing lightly on the bed
Snuggling behind curved knees content to drift
Another hour or so until grey becomes bright
And the nip in the air is assuaged
A cup full of heat and smell and taste with
A dash of cinnamon and butter in one hand
A bowl of oatmeal with date sweetener, a banana
And a spoon balanced in the other, both warm to the touch.
I sit alighting my screen to battle with the grey,
life and warmth comes alive later here
on the shadowed side of the house
But I have 25 minutes to bring a poem to life by fingerstrokes
As the new sun begins to warm my shoulders
And light taps the corners of my desk
Time for a break and to break fast
I’m not sure I like standard time.